While reading the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe it is amazing that Narnia is a world so different than our own but the funny thing is that it is not too far at all, its just on the other side of the wardrobe. Lucy and Peter and the rest of the gang just have to walk past all those old musty coats and scarves and voila, they enter Narnia.
Isn't that similar to Jesus saying that the kingdom of God is near or in other places that the kingdom of God is within you? Jesus talks about a world vastly different than our own:
where the poor are taken care of
where there is no more weeping or need
where the orphans and oppressed are loved
where those who are hurting find their healing
This is the "kingdom-world" that Jesus speaks about. It might seem light years away but it is just on the other side of our heart, just like Narnia...............
What do you think about that.
Read Chapter 17 and lets discuss.........................
Enjoy the rest of your sunny summer day